Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cobb Estate

I used to go to the Cobb Estate fairly often starting when I was in high school. It was a wild place where we could get a bit wild ourselves, but also a peaceful place, where I went when I needed to ponder life changes, such as losing my first job. It consists of the foundations of an old mansion and impressive landscaping which has reverted to nature. It provides access to fine hiking trails. The property was saved from development by students, neighbors and friends who ensured the Cobb Estate will remain a wild and peaceful place forever.

There was a steady stream of hikers past where I was painting. Many people kidded about posing for portraits. Many dogs wagged their tails at me. It was not a place to paint in seclusion.

The thing that is the most seriously wrong with the painting is the value of the shadows. I may even take the paint to it, although it would be the first time I'd ever adjusted a plein air painting or used the oil paints at home. But it's not like that's based on anything more significant than laziness.

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