Sunday, June 20, 2010

Coffee Gallery at Night

It's true I painted this once before, and posted it in the earliest days of the blog. However, I like the image - the cool funky stand-alone building partially lit by the streetlight, with more light from the streetlight pooling on the ground, and then fading into darkness. This is the place where I paint on Monday nights and where I see live musical performances as often as I can. So I mainly see and think about the Coffee Gallery at night, although of course it has a life in daylight as well.

This was painted for the Calypso Moon Artist Movement challenge, which was to paint light in darkness. Other subjects I considered were my front porch light, my bedside lamp, the St. Andrew's clock tower, and light and shadows through a fire escape. All these subjects are electric lit, but with yellow and soft light. All warm and welcoming images, except the fire escape which was quite film noir, but better I think as a photograph. I have a friend I think might want this painting.


  1. Hi Barbara, I really admire the simple splashes of color and strokes to arrive at this light at night result,, it is also my favorite subject!The height of the man could have been little less compared to the building.. just my thoughts.

  2. I really like this Barbara. The splashes of color, the strokes, the shapes. Well done!

  3. Thank you, Padmaja and Nancie.

  4. Black wash using watercolors is not as easy as you have made it look! I like the geometric chunkiness of the brush strokes, especially the banded light around the lamppost. Like a fly to a light, it draws you in...come paint...come feel the music...come enjoy!

  5. I really love the stylized way you've painted this, the moon in particular ... it makes me think of Emil Nolde's watercolors.
